Unit 10 Suffering, Welbeing & Meaning

Looking upwards, a lush forest canopy


In this unit we will use the 2016 movie “Silence” to take a deep dive into the area of suffering. Suffering and pain are universal human experiences. How can we discuss Human Flourishing when we have this pervasive human experience of suffering and pain, which on the surface appears to ontologically appose our wellbeing. However, many of the great religions and ancient wisdoms have combined these two opposing human experiences, meaning can transform suffering. This is seen in our text by Viktor Frankl who states “In some ways suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning such as a meaning of sacrifice” (Mans Search for Meaning, 1954, p 117) or Friedrich Nietzsche’s quote “Those who have a why to live, can bear almost any how” (Twilight of Idols, 1889, p 2).

In many ways this unit is primarily about where you find meaning in your life.

This unit has one topic:

  1. Finding meaning in our suffering

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify some of the key concepts in Martin Scorsese’s movie, Silence (2016)
  • Articulate your response to the movie as it relates to well being
  • Reflect on moral and intellectual complexities
  • Explore concepts of suffering and meaning
  • Reflect on a characters journey to explain your own definition of flourishing
  • Analyze key themes in Martin Scorsese’s movie, Silence (2016)
  • Identify how ways suffering can play a role in understanding personal meaning
  • Evaluate your progress in implementing your 4 week behaviour change

Activity Checklist

Learning Activities

  • Watch the movie “Silence” (2016)* (2 hrs 41 mins)
  • Movie Silence back ground resources
  • Watch the video Silence Review presentation- 36 mins
  • Learning Lab: Flourishing plan check, share your self story and debrief the movie


  • Silence Impressions assignment - 100 word general impressions of the movie


  • You will need to obtain the movie Silence (2016) by Martin Scorsese. This can be done through some of the following:
    • Available on Amazon however this is subject to change (current when syllabus was released).
    • You may need to rent Silence from iTunes (Rental approx. $4.99 CAD).
    • Please note that there may be an alternate assignment with alternate rental costs ($8.99 USD) so do not rent until we have discussed this in class.

10.1 Silence

Movie cover for the movie Silence

Figure 10:1. Source: Movie Trailer on Youtube

Activity: Watch the movie “Silence”

Watching the movie Silence (2016) [2 hrs 41 mins] will be the primary activity of this unit. Try finding the movie on your various streaming platforms (eg. Amazon Prime had it showing as of the time of writing the syllabus, however that could change). You may need to rent Silence from iTunes (Rental approx. $4.99 CAD).

We choose this film for a variety of reasons. First, films work on us differently than books, or lectures, because as stories they invite us to engage with topics in richer and more diverse ways. We can see ourselves in the story. It can be easy to talk about what we liked about a film or why we got emotional about a particular scene. Second, we choose this film because of the multilayered approach it takes to the topic suffering. This can be a challenging film to watch because of its graphic portrayal of suffering, and its postformal thought approach (thinking that requires-logical flexibility, and willingness to nuance moral and intellectual complexities) to existential questions. However, it is both historically accurate and the underlying themes of the movie can be extrapolated far beyond the context. The third reason we show the film is because of its quality, in 2017 it received multiple awards including winner of the American Film Institute Award and an Academy Award nomination for that year.

NOTE: This movie does contain some scenes of graphic violence. If you have concerns about viewing the film, please discuss alternatives with your instructors before the due dates for the assignments in this unit.

Scorsese, M. (Director) (2016). Silence. [Film]. SharpSword Films.

  • Immediately after watching the movie, complete the Review and Integration (R&I) assignment for this unit, which is writing a 100 word first impressions of the movie. You will complete a more in-depth analysis in the “Silence Refection” assignment later however this R&I assignment is your initial response to the movie.

Activity: Silence Resources

Included below are some resources for your interest and review, including an article on the historical background of the movie and interviews with Andrew Garfield, who plays Rodriguez, and Martin Scorsese, director. We think you will find the information helpful in your interactions with the movie.

Interview with Andrew Garfield a.k.a. Fr Rodrigues in the film ( 8 mins)

Watch: Andrew Garfield: SILENCE

Interview with the director Martin Scorsese at Fuller Seminary (24 mins)

Watch: A Conversation with Martin Scorsese on Faith and Film

Activity: Silence Review

This video (36 mins) reviews the multiple themes of the movie Silence. We use the movie silence in this course to understand how suffering (in its multiple forms) failure, even uncertainty has the potential to create personal growth through reorganizing our meaning structures. This is an important presentation for completing the Silence Reflection assignment that will be explained later in the unit however is actually due in Unit 11.

Questions to Consider

  • How have you suffered or experienced pain or loss?
  • How is your story of suffering similar and different from Frankl, or the movie “Silence”?
  • Have you been able to find meaning or a purpose to your suffering?
  • Does your suffering effect your view of flourishing and wellbeing?

Watch: Silence Review

Spirituality, Meaning and Suffering. Do you see any connections?

Figure 10.1 From Dr. Dwight Friesen’s ppt slides on Suffering

Learning Lab: Silence Review

Review the movie Silence and the role of suffering in our lives.

Unit Summary

In this unit you have had the opportunity to learn about:

  • The complexity of life when we don’t reach our goals or we experience the consequences of our actions or we experience physical pain.


  • Review and Integration 10: Impressions of the movie Silence

Review and Integration 10: Impressions of the movie Silence

Silence Impressions assignment - In a minimum of 100 words provide your general personal impressions of the movie Silence (don’t use outside sources for this assignment). We encourage you to do this relatively shortly after you watch the movie and with out a lot of other people’s impressions or reviews. This way you can form your own opinions and let the movie do the work with out interference.

Submit your impressions in a Word .doc (no title page required) to the drop box at the bottom of this page.

Grading for this assignment is done on a pass/fail basis. Complete the assignment requirements for full marks.

Silence Reflection Assignment (due next week)

Silence Reflection - After watching the movie, complete a more in-depth analysis of the movie. While the Silence Impressions Assignment was about how the movie emotionally affected you, in this assignment we are analyzing the movie for its themes, characters and message. We have provided four options in the assignment document below (see below) for this in-depth analysis, of which you choose only one. Write a 2 page response to the questions asked in your specific option.

A. Suffering and Meaning
B. Spirituality and Suffering
C. Journey with a Character
D. Personal Challenge

*Marking Grid is provided in the assignment document and in the drop box


Check your Learning

Before you move on to the next unit, you may want to check to make sure that you are able to:

We have all experienced suffering, pain, failure and loss. In a course on human flourishing we need to be able to incorporate suffering into our concept of wellbeing. We need to be able to make sense of our suffering in meaningful ways that does not obliterate all the other aspects of wellbeing. This cannot be just a theoretical exercise but must be done in practical ways that can contribute to our “lived experience” of flourishing. Suffering can be a gateway to maturity, rootedness and resiliency which we will discuss in the next unit.

Before you move on, don’t forget to:

  • Submit R&I 10: Impressions of the movie Silence
  • Submit Record your Flourishing Plan log