Unit 4 The Physical Life

Silhouettes of runners at a running track

The physical self is the individual’s perception of themselves in areas of physical ability and appearance. We navigate the physical world with our bodies however the sense of our own physicality is highly influenced by psycho-social-spiritual factors. These influences become feedback loops that contribute to our self-care and ultimately to our wellbeing. We all know that exercise is good for us however how, when, where and why we exercise, is highly influenced by these psycho-social-spiritual forces. This unit attempts to address some of the factors that shape the physical self. We also cover the health benefits and training protocols of cardiovascular fitness.


This unit is divided into the following topics:

  1. The Physical Self
  2. Physical movement for health
  3. Cardiorespiratory training protocols for health

Learning Outcomes

When you have completed this unit:

  • Students will understand the forces acting on their physical self
  • Students will create a self care plan with identifying barriers and strategies to overcome those barriers.
  • Students will understand the benefits and training protocols for cardiovascular fitness.
  • Students will learn the tools to assess their own cardiovascular fitness.

Activity Checklist

Learning Activities

  • Watch ‘ The Physical Self’ video (20 mins)
  • Self-Care Questionnaire (5 mins)
  • Watch the 23 and half hours video (9 mins)
  • Watch the first 11 mins of the video Brain benefits of Exercise video (11 mins)
  • Watch the Cardiovascular Fitness video- (25 mins)
  • Learning Lab: Physical Self and Cardiovascular fitness assessment.


  • Review and Integration assignment 4: Self-Care Plan
  • Personal Application Assignment: Choosing a specific Physical practice to focus on this week


All resources will be provided online in the unit.

4.1 The Physical Self

A woman with painted rainbow stripes standing in front of a black wall

Activity: The Physical Self’ Video

We all have embodied stories. This corporeality of our lived experience is the primary way we interact and interpret the world around us. Before we discuss our basic biological rhythms, we need to be aware of our complex relationship we have to our bodies.

Questions to Consider

  • What is the Psycho/Social/ Spiritual variable that has the largest impact on your physical self?
  • What is the effect this variable on your concept of your body? eg positive or negative
  • What is the source of this influence eg friends, media, church, etc…?

Watch: Physical Self

Activity: Self-Care Questionnaire

This survey assesses a variety of self-care tactics. Open the attached document and answer the survey questions. You should be able to identify your top self- care strategies.


4.2 Physical Movement for Health

Physical Activity Pyramid chart

Activity: 23 and half hours Video

What is the single best thing we can do for our health?

In this video Dr. Mike Evans outlines the science and benefits of being physically active. (9 mins)

Watch: 23 and 1/2 hours: What is the single best thing we can do for our health?

Activity: Brain Benefits of Exercise Video

In this video Dr. Suzuki covers the specific brain benefits of exercise. Watch the first 11 minutes.

Watch: Wendy Suzuki: The brain-changing benefits of exercise

4.3 Cardiorespiratory Training for Health

Activity: Cardio Respiratory Fitness

  • In the movement for health section we showed you why it is important to exercise. In this video, Jack Reimer presents one of the primary components of physical fitness, cardiovascular fitness, how we measure it and training programs we can use to improve it. (25 mins)

Questions to Consider

  • What types of physical movement work for you or do you like?
  • When could you do this type of movement in your schedule?
  • Where could you do this movement?
  • What would you need to regularly be involved in this type of physical activity? Eg clothing, facility, cost, transportation, social connections, etc..

Watch: Cardio Respiratory Fitness

Learning Lab: Heart Rate and Target Heart Rate for Health Exercise

In this exercise you will find your carotid and radial pulse. See the following You Tube clip to find your pulse.

Watch: How to find your radial or carotid pulse

Using your resting heart rate you will calculate your threshold of training and your target heart zone for health benefits in cardiovascular physical activity.

Missing Content: Missing the word doc Download the word document and then fill in the blanks.

Missing Content: Missing Unit Summary


  1. Review and Integration 4: Self-Care Plan
  2. Personal Application Assignment: Physical options of practice

Review and Integration 4: Self-Care Plan

Now that you have completed the Self-Care Questionaire, you should have some ideas of what self-care strategies work for you. Use the attached document to complete a Self-Care Plan. Then Upload your plan to the dropbox at the bottom of the page.


Personal Application Assignment: Physical Optionse

In this PAA we will focus on the physical movement health practices. Choose one of the following physical practices:

  1. Cardiovascular training
  2. Strength training
  3. Yoga/ Pilates/flexibility training

See the explainer video and the assignment documents for each option. Remember to use the specific weekly log sheet template provided in each assignment document option.

Watch: PAA Physical 3 Options


Check your Learning

Before you move on to the next unit, you may want to check to make sure that you are able to:

  1. Explain the factors that influence your conceptualization of your physical self.
  2. You should be able to list the benefits of physical activity for your own wellbeing.
  3. You should have chosen a specific physical activity pattern that works in your current lifestyle to improve your wellbeing.

Before you move on, don’t forget to:

  • Submit R&I 4.1: Self-Care Plan
  • Submit PAA# 4: Physical Options