Unit 2 The Intergrative Self

1st person perspective of someone studying at a table while eating cereal and drinking tea

The integrative self is a construct we introduced in the last unit, and proposes that we are profoundly intra-connected beings, more than a body with a mind and soul, but beings that are deeply impacted by changes to any of our human potentials. In this unit we will look at just two potentials, nutrition and spirituality; however, it is important to remember that while these are two distinct human behaviors, they have overlapping impacts on our personal and shared wellbeing.


This unit is divided into the following topics:

  1. Nutrition of wellbeing
  2. What is spirituality?

Learning Outcomes

When students have completed this unit:

  • Students will become familiar with nutritional science, healthy eating patterns and the morality of food
  • Students will identify what is the next step in their nutrition journey
  • Students will track and analyze 3 days of nutritional intake or identify and track one nutritional behavior change they would like to make
  • Students will explore the difference between Spirituality and Religion.
  • Students will explore the various perspectives of spirituality represent graphically and articulate a personal definition to wellbeing
  • Students will create a first draft of a personal definition to spirituality

Activity Checklist

Here is a checklist of learning activities you will benefit from in completing this unit. You may find it useful for planning your work. Note that all Learning Lab activities build toward the final portfolio in the course.

Learning Activities

  • Complete the REAPS nutritional survey (5 mins)
  • Nutritional Journey videos
    • Introduction to why we eat (6 mins)
    • The science of nutrition (7 mins)
    • Biological nutrient requirements (8 mins)
    • Healthy eating patterns (29 mins)
    • The morality and spirituality of food. (3 mins)
  • Complete the 3 questions in the nutritional journey quiz (5 mins)
  • Definitions to spirituality and religion (10 mins)
  • Study resources on spirituality (10 mins)
  • Rewrite your definition to spirituality and make connections to your wellbeing (15 mins)


  • Personal Application Assignment 2: Nutrition journey


All resources will be provided online in the unit.

2.1 Nutrition for Wellbeing

How we eat is fundamental to our health. Feeding ourselves is important for our bodies maintenance and repair; however it is also fundamental for broader human activities (think about cognition, happiness, a mode of relating to others and the planet itself). This basic physiological routine has profound consequences to our wellbeing and the world around us.

Activity: REAPS nutritional survey

How we eat is fundamental to our health. Feeding ourselves is important for our bodies maintenance and repair; however it is also fundamental for broader human activities (think about cognition, happiness, a mode of relating to others and the planet itself). This basic physiological routine has profound consequences to our wellbeing and the world around us.

Before we start into nutritional content let’s review your basic eating patterns. Complete the REAPS nutrition questionnaire. You don’t need to hand this in however the survey provides an overview of your eating patterns.

Chart distingushing the differences between intutive vs mindful eating

Figure 2:1 from VeryWell Fit


Activity: Nutritional Journey Videos

Watch the following videos on Nutrition with your own nutritional journey in mind.

  • Introduction to why we eat
  • The science of nutrition
  • Healthy eating patterns
  • The morality and spirituality of food.

Questions to Consider

As you watch the videos below, consider the following questions:

  • Where are you in your nutritional journey?
  • What parts of the journey have you not paid attention to?
  • What parts of the journey have you already mastered?
  • What is the next step for you in journey?

Watch: Why We Eat (6 mins)

Watch: Science of Nutrition (7 mins)

Watch: Biological Nutrient Requirements (8 mins)

Watch: Applied Nutrition (29 mins)

Watch: Spirituality and Food (3 mins)

2.1.1 Activity: Nutritional Journey Quiz

Answer the Nutrition Journey Quiz found at the bottom of this page.

2.2 Spirituality

Like wellbeing, spirituality is not a new term to us and many of us have significant experience and knowledge in this area. Before we begin our discussion of spirituality, let’s hear what you think of the terms spirituality and religion.

Activity:Defining Spirituality and Religion

Write a personal definition of spirituality and religion. Complete the quiz found at the bottom of this page (which is ungraded, but just a way of not requiring you to create a document and upload. It also allows instructors to easily give qualitative feedback).

Activity: Study Resources on Spirituality

After writing your definitions in the previous activity, watch and listen carefully to the following two videos. Take notes.

You will engage with these videos in the following Review & Integration #4. We recommend reviewing the questions before watching the videos to help you focus and know what to watch and listen for.

Watch: 10 Things to Know About Spirituality (4.5 mins)

Watch: Spirituality and Flourishing (1:05 mins)

“Devine Embrace; Recovering a passionate spiritual life” is a theological text by Robert Webber on the basics of Christianity.


Activity: Personal Definition of Spirituality

Using the Spiritual Resources section re write your personal definition to spirituality. Note that Part 2 of the Final Portfolio is this question of a personal definition to spirituality. Write a 100 word definition to Spirituality.

Submit your response at the forum link at the bottom of this page.

Learning Lab: Nutrition and Spirituality

In your learning lab this week you will discuss your reflections on the resources you reviewed and the learning activities you engaged with. Be sure to have your notes ready to discuss.

Unit 2 Summary

In this unit we explored the science of nutrition and the factors that affect feeding ourselves. Feeding ourselves is one of the central physiological routines that acts as the foundation of our wellbeing. If we get this routine right it solves many of our behavioral issues further up the wellbeing structure.

We also explored the various understandings of spirituality and religion and how they impact wellbeing. Spirituality and faith our often very critical to our sense of meaning and purpose in this world. They provide us with anchors in the time of emotional storms and can provide communities that care and support in our life projects.


  1. Personal Application Assignment 2: Nutrition practice
    • You will have two options to complete this practice.
    • Nutrition assessment - 3 days
    • Nutrition practice - changing one feeding behavior for one week

Personal Application Assignment 2: Nutrition

For this PAA, you will have a choice of completing either a nutritional assessment or practice. Please see the attached explainer videos and assignment documents for full instructions and grading criteria.

Choose one of the two options:

1. Nutrition Assessment - 3 day nutritional intake assessment

Watch: PAA Nutrition Assessment

2. Nutrition Practice- one nutritional practice change that you would like to implement

Watch: PAA Nutrition Practice


Check your Learning

Before you move on to the next unit, you may want to check to make sure that you are able to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the next step in your personal journey towards healthy nutrition or feeding yourself effectively?
  2. What form of spirituality works best for you in your pursuit of wellbeing?

Before you move on, don’t forget to:

  • Submit PAA #2 Nutrition